University Catalog 2024-2025

Global Business (GMBA)

GMBA 7110  International Leadership & Teambuilding  (3)  

This course concerns leadership and team development in multi-cultural settings. Leadership is analyzed in terms of personal characteristics of effective leaders. What are the qualities that great leaders possess? How can we develop those qualities in ourselves and in others? Are there cultural differences in leadership? Leadership is also examined from a functional point of view. What are the most important functions of a leader in an organization? What are the best ways for accomplishing those functions? Special attention is paid to decision making and strategic change. The course also covers team performance. How should we form teams? What are the factors that influence team effectiveness? When do teams realize synergies from differences that exist between members? How can a leader foster team effectiveness?

GMBA 7120  Intl. Lead., Ethics, & Teambui  (3)  

GMBA 7210  Global Environment of Business  (3)  

This course provides a basis for understanding the international business environment and the mode of entry to foreign markets. The course is organized around three major topics: (1) The differences in the business environment across nations from a social, cultural, and political perspective as well as the effect of business context on managerial decisions, (2) The methodology to select foreign markets for a firm’s expansion, and (3) Foreign market entry strategies and management implications of operating overseas. We will also explore the challenges of today’s changing world.

GMBA 7220  Strategy for Emerging Markets  (3)  

GMBA 7310  Global Strategy & Competition  (3)  

This course focuses on two main objectives: (1) understanding the patterns of global competition in a given industry, the forces pushing toward globalization, how they affect the players, and the factors underpinning the success of global competitors in the industry; and (2) examining the ways to design a strategy for competing efficiently in global markets, how to redesign the value chain of the firm across the globe, and how to successfully enter foreign markets. Although “global” in design, methods and concepts taught, the course will have a “European touch” (textbook, cases selected and lectures dedicated to Europe).

GMBA 7400  Entrepreneurship and Business Venture  (3)  

This course is designed to help students develop insights on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship can be defined as the discovery, enactment, and pursuit of new business opportunities. Students will learn how all the major functions of a business come together in a new venture. Discussion will include how to generate new ideas, recognize opportunities, form a venture team, evaluate opportunities, and design a firm to bring the ideas to life.

GMBA 7410  International Entrepreneurship  (3)  

This course utilizes the knowledge and skills obtained in the MBA program to help students identify an opportunity, start up, and run a new business venture in an international environment. It gives students the opportunity to apply these skills by developing a new venture opportunity project in which participants will identify a promising international opportunity, gather evidence to examine the feasibility of the idea, and develop a mini plan to capture the opportunity.

GMBA 7420  Global Negotiations  (3)  

This course provides students with theories, models, and especially skills required to negotiate effectively in a global environment. The course will consider various theories of cultural differences, emphasizing differences in values and communication styles. It will also cover basic notions of negotiations including strategies and tactics for both distributive and integrative bargaining situations. Negotiation situations will go from simple prisoner dilemma games to complex negotiations requiring coalitions. Students will engage in many negotiations with counterparts from their country, and with counterparts from different countries, and all will participate in critiquing the negotiations and providing feedback.

GMBA 7430  Entrepreneurial Finance  (3)  

This class encompasses the fundamental financial knowledge and skills necessary for entrepreneurs to successfully manage their business from start up through sale of the company or an initial public offering. The student will learn to employ financial tools to evaluate business performance, forecast future expected results, and make business decisions. The student will also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the process of raising capital from early stage and later stage investors. This course is composed of several modules of entrepreneurial finance. In each section, the student will have access to lectures, lecture slides, recorded interviews, financial models and templates, and articles pertaining to the topics of the course.

GMBA 7440  Healthcare in Cent America  (3)  

GMBA 7500  Bus Modeling and Marketing  (3)  

GMBA 7510  International Finance  (3)  

International Finance is the sub-area of finance that studies corporations' international investment decisions concerning real and financial assets. This course is intended for participants who wish to learn modern multinational financial management concepts and theories. International Finance gives participants a solid theoretical and practical background that serves to understand better (1) the potential benefits and risks that a Multinational Corporation (MNC) faces when operating globally and (2) the specifics of corporate finance and corporate governance in a global context, including the effect of dealing with different currencies.

GMBA 7610  Global Supply Chains  (3)  

This course provides an introduction to global operations and supply chain concepts, tools, and strategies. The teaching methodology will consist primarily of the case method and will be complemented by readings and lectures. Students will be expected to prepare case write-ups individually and as members of teams. Cases will be selected to illustrate the challenges and opportunities of operating in international markets in Europe and the Americas.

GMBA 7710  International Marketing  (3)  

This course covers a broad range of topics related to global marketing. The course begins with a review of important market concepts and a discussion of the implications an international setting has on these core concepts. Building on that, the course addresses the challenges that firms face across the different stages of their international expansion efforts, from the initial steps of international firm expansion to the complexity of organizing a truly global marketing effort that orchestrates activities across multiple countries. The course is organized around four topics. First, international marketing in the early stages of firm international expansion. This entails analyzing and understanding the factors in the business environment (e.g., culture, politics, and legal issues) that affect marketing decisions. Second, the role of marketing research for detecting marketing opportunities, specifically as it relates to growth while accounting for differences across markets. A market selection method will be explored during this session and marketing entry strategies will be discussed. Third, explore the dilemma of adaptation vs. standardization. In other words, should a marketing program be customized (adapted) based on differences between specific countries, or should it be standardized across international markets? The fourth and final topic deals with the global marketing program. Specifically, it discusses how to plan, organize, and implement a global marketing operation that orchestrates marketing activities across multiple countries.

GMBA 7720  New Venture Creation  (3)  

This course is designed to help participants develop insights on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Our focus will be on entrepreneurial opportunity identification, evaluation, and new business venture creation. Some of the questions that will be addressed are: Where do high potential business ideas come from? How can a mediocre idea be improved to be a good opportunity? How to build a founding team for a new venture? How to develop customers for a new business? How to decide what external financing option is more appropriate at different stages of development? How to scale-up a venture? Why the founder-CEO succession could be crucial for a venture’s growth.

GMBA 7730  Negotiations  (3)  

This course addresses the theoretical foundations and practical skills used in resolving differences and negotiating mutually satisfying outcomes. Students develop skills through simulated negotiations in a variety of contexts. Class topics include the nature of negotiations, different negotiating styles, distributive versus integrative bargaining, repeated negotiations, and multi-party bargaining. Self-reflection and giving and receiving feedback are key aspects in developing negotiation skills.

GMBA 7740  Cross-Cultural Managemnt  (3)  

GMBA 7750  Intl Business Management  (1-4)  

GMBA 7760  Global Consulting  (4)  

This course aims to prepare students for internal and external management consulting positions in the global environment. Topics include industry analysis, consulting skills development, consultant-client relationships, stages of consulting (contracting, data collection and diagnosis, feedback and the decision to act, developing client commitment, implementation, results, and accountability), ethics of consulting, differences between internal and external consulting, understanding resistance, managing meetings, project management, and management of consulting firms.

GMBA 7950  Independent Study  (1-4)  

GMBA 7960  Global Business Project  (0-3)  

This course is designed to integrate and summarize Global MBA coursework. The material of this course is developed at an advanced Global MBA level with the goal of utilizing the collective experience of the graduate students to enhance the learning experience. The course uses the Business Strategy Game (BSG), a global simulation where the focus is on competitive global business strategy. Through this online simulation, teams of students run an athletic footwear company in head-to-head competition against companies run by other class members.