University Catalog 2024-2025

Career Devel & Mgmt (CDMA)

CDMA 1010  BMSI Career Discussions I  (1)  

In this course, Business Minor Summer Institute students will complete an online Career Assessment to understand how their interests, motivators and skills can provide insight into future careers. In addition, they will learn how to take stock of the skills they already have and how to use them to create effective resumes, network and interview. A representative from the Turchin Library will demonstrate how to do effective career research on industries, organizations and jobs. Guest speakers will visit each class to share their personal career journeys and answer questions. Students will also have access to the Freeman CMC and meet one-on-one with a Career Consultant.

CDMA 1110  BMSI Career Discussions II  (0.5)  

In this course, Business Minor Summer Institute students will learn about the use of social media career tools, networking techniques and the various types of interviews in preparation for an eventual career search. Guest speakers will visit each class to share their personal career journeys and answer questions. Students will also visit a local business or non-profit organization to learn more about its operation.

Prerequisite(s): CDMA 1010.

CDMA 1201  Career Development and Management I  (2)  

This course is the required foundational career education course for all Freeman undergraduates. The course offers a blended approach with online content, videos and interactives that can be revisited and reinforced during the entire academic tenure at Freeman. Students learn how to interpret their individual career assessment, do extensive research and targeting, develop an effective contact network and execute successful internship and job search strategies. Students will leave the class with the tools necessary to build a career plan. Guest speakers from a variety of business backgrounds and one-on-one meetings with CMC Career Consultants supplement course learnings.

CDMA 2201  Career Development and Management I  (2)  

This course is the required foundational career education course for all Freeman undergraduates. The course offers a blended approach with online content, videos and interactives that can be revisited and reinforced during the entire academic tenure at Freeman. Students learn how to interpret their individual career assessment, do extensive research and targeting, develop an effective contact network and execute successful internship and job search strategies. Students will leave the class with the tools necessary to build a career plan and communicate it effectively. Guest speakers from a variety of business backgrounds and one-on-one meetings with CMC Career Consultants supplement course learnings.

CDMA 4020  Adv Career Dev & Management  (1)  

Advanced Career Development & Management is designed to draw on students’ knowledge developed in previous Career Education classes and give them the confidence to launch and manage a job search strategy that will result in multiple offers. Students will practice presenting a case interview and explore how they can use their job search skills to build a lifelong career. Using the tools provided in this course along with one-on-one Career Consulting in the Career Management Center, students will be able to master the seemingly complex task of finding that next important career opportunity.

Prerequisite(s): CDMA 1201.

CDMA 5380  Business Study Abroad - CDMA  (1-20)  

CDMA 5390  Business Study Abroad - CDMA  (1-20)  

CDMA 6010  Career Development I  (0)  

Career Development I, tailored specifically to target the Career Development and Management needs of MBA candidates, is designed to draw on students’ knowledge developed in previous professional experience or Career Education classes and give them the confidence to launch and manage a job search strategy that will result in multiple offers. Graded on a pass/fail basis, this course begins during MBA orientation and is designed to provide students with the tools and information to identify professional career goals, define a career strategy, network their way into an organization, and ace the interview. Using the tools provided in this course, along with one-on-one Career Consulting in the Career Management Center, students will be able to master the seemingly complex task of finding that next important career opportunity.

CDMA 6020  Career Development II  (0)  

Career Development II, tailored specifically to target the Career Development and Management needs of MBA candidates, builds on the knowledge students receive in CDMA 6010. Graded on a pass/fail basis, this course is designed to provide students with the tools and information to nail a case interview, respond to job offers, onboard into a company, make the most of mentoring, and understand their personal career legacy. Using the tools provided in this course along with one-on-one Career Consulting in the Career Management Center, students will be able to develop and manage their careers over the course of a lifetime.

Prerequisite(s): CDMA 6010.

Maximum Hours: 0

CDMA 6030  Advanced Career Development and Management  (0)  

Advanced Career Development and Management is designed to draw on students' knowledge developed in previous career education classes and give them the confidence to launch and manage a job search strategy that will result in multiple offers. Students will practice presenting a case interview and explore how they can use their job search skills to build a lifelong career. Using the tools provided in this course along with one-on-one career consulting in the Career Management Center, students will be able to master the seemingly complex task of finding that next important career opportunity.

CDMA 6110  Strategic Career Planning  (2)  

Strategic Career Planning is designed to draw on knowledge developed in previous career education classes and give students the confidence to launch and manage a job search strategy that will result in multiple offers. Students will explore how they can use their job search skills to build a lifelong career (identifying target companies, networking, building a professional brand, interviewing, etc.), practice presenting a case interview, with one-on-one career consulting in the Career Management Center, students will be able to master the seemingly complex task of finding that next important career opportunity.

CDMA 6120  Strategic Career Planning Lab  (0)  

Strategic Career Planning Lab is designed to put into practice the skills students gained in Strategic Career Planning. Using the tools provided in the prerequisite course along with one-on-one career consulting in the Career Management Center, and engagement with peers in a small group setting, students will put into practice their career strategy and begin exploring opportunities for after their graduation.

Prerequisite(s): CDMA 6110*.
* May be taken concurrently.