University Catalog 2024-2025

Taylor Your Life (TYLR)

TYLR 1000  Taylor Your Tulane  (1)  

TAYLOR Your Tulane is a 1-credit life design lab offered by the Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking that uses design mindsets to teach how to create a Tulane experience that is uniquely TAYLORed to their interests and curiosities. Students will explore radically different academic pathways at Tulane, prototype and test areas of curiosity, and map the Tulane and New Orleans communities to effectively meet and connect with likeminded people on campus and in New Orleans.

TYLR 3000  Taylor Your Life  (2)  

Taylor Your Life is a career development lab for students who are interested in careers with social or environmental impact. The course covers all career basics (tailoring a resume, networking, interviewing skills, salary negotiation) while encouraging students to proactively build a life that is in line with their values and interests and guiding students to think more broadly about what they want in life including and beyond the working world. The course uses design thinking tools to help students clarify their interests; brainstorm multiple life pathways; focus and target their job/internship/fellowship search; build real-world experiments to test professional areas of interest; and use networking tools to join the network of movers and shakers in their field.