University Catalog 2024-2025

Sports Medicine (SPMD)

SPMD 6100  Foundations of Sports Medicine  (3)  

This course will provide the students with an overview in the field of sports medicine. The course focuses on the basic information and skills important to the recognition, care, prevention, and preliminary rehabilitation of athletic injuries. The course will explore medical providers involved in total athlete care, provide terminology associated with sports medicine, and discover the human body systems as they pertain to sports medicine.

SPMD 6110  Non-traumatic Injuries  (3)  

Discuss common non-traumatic injuries in young athletes. Categorize non-traumatic injuries. Analyze athlete pre-participation assessments in terms of specific non-traumatic injury categories. Differentiate among common non-traumatic injuries found in secondary and post-secondary level athletics. Identify proper protocol for assessing critical illnesses and providing care for an injured athlete. Analyze the implementation of guidelines for continuation within the activity by the injured athlete. Understand of ergonomic theory behind safety equipment. Determine the proper protective equipment for an athlete based on sport, athlete age and size. Describe the preparation needed for athletic coverage. Analyze recent incidents of non-traumatic injuries in secondary and collegiate athletics. Identify the key components of an Emergency Action Plan. Review and critique an existing Emergency Action Plan. Develop an Emergency Action Plan.

SPMD 6120  Sports Performance Enhancement  (3)  

This course offers a comprehensive study of the physical, nutritional, and therapeutic methods of injury recovery while holding a focus on the needs of athletes who want to improve performance within their sport.

SPMD 6130  Continuum of Care: Developing a Sports Medicine Program  (3)  

This course will explore the process of developing and maintaining a sports medicine program that fully addresses the continuum of care for athletes within an institution or organization at the collegiate and secondary levels. Students will discover the components of a comprehensive athletic healthcare program including: health and safety policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities of involved healthcare providers, and best practices of sports medicine.