University Catalog 2024-2025

MD - Physiology (PYSI)

PYSI 1002  Physiology  (5)  

This course involves the study of the body's function from molecules to the whole organism. Students are expected to apply fundamental principles of physics and chemistry to the understanding of the body's function and regulatory mechanisms. Courses may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

PYSI 1111  Physiology Summer Course  (5)  

T1 & T2 summer courses may be required for students who need to remediate pre-clinical coursework. Contact your course director for more information.

PYSI 5110  Capstone component: PYSI 1002  (0)  

PYSI 5500  Clinical Preceptorship - Pysi  (1)  

Preceptorships are available to T1 & T2 students who are interested in the specialty. Students must identify a physician to shadow. Students must have their preceptorship approved in advance by the Senior Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs.

PYSI 5540  Physiology Research  (1)  

Several faculty members, led by our Chairman, Dr. L.G. Navar, are investigating the role of the kidney and blood vessels in the pathophysiology of hypertension. Students will be exposed to various experimental approaches used in the study of renal function, hemodynamics, tubular transport processes, and fluid and electrolyte regulation. Student can learn techniques for the evaluation of renal function, renal tubule reabsorption, and vascular responses to different antihypertensive drugs, as well as the expression and regulation of genes involved in hypertension. Basic methodological approaches also will be covered in a systematic manner. The remainder of the student's time will be spent in one or more laboratories of participating faculty.