University Catalog 2024-2025

Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 3010  Marketing Fundamentals  (3)  

This course is designed to teach students the basic elements of marketing. The course presents frameworks to analyze marketing problems faced by both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Students will study the influence of consumers, the marketplace and the marketing environment on marketing decision making. The course will also provide a conceptual and theoretical toolkit for developing marketing strategies – segmentation, targeting and positioning – and marketing tactics including price, promotion, product and distribution.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 1210 or (MATH 1150 and 1160) and MATH 1230, ECON 1010, 1020 and PSYC 1000 and (MCOM 3010 or 3200).

MKTG 4100  Consumer Behavior  (3)  

The course covers major concepts and findings in consumer behavior and how these ideas relate to consumer decision-making and consumption choices. The course is focused on understanding the cognitive, emotional, social and contextual factors that govern consumer decision-making. Students debate the efficacy and ethics of marketing actions by brand managers, advertising agencies, public service organizations and policy makers and consumers' reactions to these actions. The course draws substantially on real-world marketing stimuli to illustrate how the success (or failure) of marketing strategies depend on the close correspondence to (or violation of) principles of consumer behavior.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4105  Customer Relationship Marketing  (3)  

Customer relationship marketing (CRM) is the overall business process in which companies use marketing strategies and activities to build and maintain client relationships, reinforce customer loyalty and increase brand value. The objective of the course is to examine the strategic, analytical and technological aspects of CRM to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of CRM and an understanding of the implementation of CRM systems and analysis of customer data. Topics covered in the course include relationship marketing; customer lifetime value; customer equity; customer databases; customer retention; customer loyalty; operational, analytical and collaborative CRM; reasons for CRM implementation failure; and the role of CRM in marketing management.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4110  Research and Analytics  (3)  

This course provides a hands-on introduction to marketing research, an organized approach to developing and providing information for marketing decision-making. Through a combination of lectures, exercises and projects, the course familiarizes students with data collection techniques such as focus groups, surveys and experiments, as well as data analyses techniques such as hypothesis testing and regression. Specific applications include preference measurement, market segmentation and targeting, customer economics, product and brand policies, pricing, advertising and digital marketing.

Prerequisite(s): MGSC 3010 and MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4117  Business to Business Marketing  (3)  

The course focuses on strategic aspects of marketing decisions of the organizations that market products to other organizations. The course teaches students the unique needs of business customers, how to analyze business organizations’ core competencies and their competitive environment, positioning and segmentation of businesses, and personal selling. Students will learn how to set organizations’ business objectives and strategies, build business-to-business marketing plans and measure customer satisfaction.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4120  Advanced Marketing Strategy  (3)  

This course teaches students how to analyze markets, make better marketing decisions, and evaluate and monitor marketing performance. The impact of each marketing decision made by the firm is influenced by a wide variety of factors, including culture, consumer psychology, the business environment/context, competitor actions, and the other marketing tactics utilized by the firm. The course combines quantitative and qualitative analysis within a theoretical framework to analyze these complex relationships and better understand the relationships between market knowledge and the many decisions needed to effectively design and monitor an effective marketing strategy.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4137  Pricing  (3)  

The course will introduce the student to the basic considerations a firm faces in devising a pricing policy. The broad aims of the course are the following: Expose students to the concepts, theories and latest thinking on pricing, from the viewpoint of a marketing manager; enable the student to understand the pricing strategies of a firm in a variety of situations; and work towards the above objectives, while drawing on microeconomic models and marketing theories.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4145  New Product Development  (3)  

While new products offer unique opportunities for growth, most new products fail in the marketplace. This course will introduce students to the new product development process to maximize the likelihood of their success. Students will learn how to identify potential ideas and markets for new product development; how to position, price and advertise new products; and how to measure potential sales and success prior to launch.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4155  Brand Management  (3)  

The brand names associated with products and services are among a firm’s most valuable assets. This course addresses the fundamental branding decisions faced by a firm when determining how to build, measure and manage brand equity. The course objectives include planning brand strategies, evaluating brand strategies and examining the actions needed to improve a brand’s long term sustainability. The course combines lectures, case discussions, guest speakers and a team brand evaluation project.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4165  Retailing  (3)  

This course in an introduction to the retail environment and its role in the marketing process. It includes discussions on operations, location strategy, store organization, personnel, buying, merchandising, inventory control, pricing, vendor relations, sales promotions and consumer demand. It provides frameworks for understanding different types of retail outlets and the relationship between bricks-and mortar retailing and e-tailing.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4170  Marketing Planning & Implementation  (3)  

This course focuses on the development of dynamic marketing plans for a broad array of companies who may be facing accelerated growth opportunities and/or operating difficulties. Focus will be on choosing the right marketing vehicles, determining how the vehicles need to work together, developing the implementation work plan, mapping out sequencing, and defining metrics and measurement process. Student teams will draw on this information, as well as knowledge acquired from earlier marketing courses, to implement a field study. For classroom discussions, we will be using a mix of text, articles and case studies focusing on companies across diverse industries. Fieldwork will also be discussed in class, culminating in team marketing plan presentations.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4220  Sales Management  (3)  

This course is about persuasion, personal branding and managing people in a workplace. Principles of persuasion when applied to the sales domain are referred to as personal selling or professional selling. While salespeople do try and build a reputation for their company and the products they are selling, their personal reputation tends to be primary. Personal branding by salespeople is often seen as establishing trust. Sales management, although it has some unique elements to it, is very much like the management of every workplace organization. Good management requires, principally, good leadership, which in turn enables good selection, training and motivation, and, though often not emphasized, a good moral code. Since there are a large number of sales employees in this country – about one in every ten employees is identified as a salesperson – their personal happiness, not just their effectiveness, becomes an important issue to study. Since happiness correlates with turnover, and high turnover can compromise good sales management, all three criteria–effectiveness, happiness, and retention–are important sales management concerns.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4230  Global Marketing  (3)  

This course takes a multidisciplinary approach, including concepts from marketing, sociology, political science and economics, to examine the issues associated with marketing across borders. Students will study key characteristics of major markets in different regions of the world: how to collect and interpret the information about the markets; how to analyze global customers, competitors and collaborators; and how to develop international and global marketing strategies. This course also considers contemporary issues, including globalization and the impact of the internet.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4240  Relationship Marketing  (3)  

In marketing, nothing is as critical as building and maintaining relationships with key constituencies. Business corporations and non-profit institutions alike realize the importance of long-lasting relationships and their impact on these organizations’ success. The major objectives of this course are twofold. First, it will focus on the marketing tools and techniques that organizations use to identify key constituencies, build relationships and assess their impact on the organizations’ performance. Second, the course will provide students with a forum for presenting and defending their recommendations, and for critically examining and discussing the recommendations of others.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4250  Social and Online Marketing  (3)  

In this course, students will learn tools and frameworks to understand how companies can implement effective online and social media marketing campaigns. Using a mix of theoretical and practical exercises, students will learn to think about online tools from a marketing perspective. Following completion of this course, students should be able to 1) understand the different tools available for social media and online marketing, 2) help a company listen to and engage customers through online and social media, 3) use tools to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of online and social media campaigns, and 4) develop a comprehensive online and social media strategy.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4255  Digital Communication Strategy  (3)  

How do you connect with your audience and write for digital channels? This course focuses on effective writing practices for a social media environment. You will learn how to strategically structure and write content that delivers your messaging while engaging your audiences by thinking about what a reader needs and wants. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, and websites to connect with current and prospective customers. In this course, we will look at ways companies communicate across channels and gage the messaging strategy effectiveness for its brands. Ultimately, we will explore how these tools fit into a company's traditional integrated communication strategy.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4260  Advertising and Promotions  (3)  

This course is designed to provide the conceptual underpinnings of marketing communication, and reflect the role of media strategies in providing information, persuading, selling and creating popular culture. This course emphasizes the development of integrated marketing communication programs. Students will learn the fundamentals of different media options, how to evaluate marketing communication programs/outcomes, and how to develop an integrated marketing communication campaign. A substantial portion of in-class and out-of-class time will be devoted to applying the concepts and developing a real-world marketing communication program.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4275  Law in Marketing  (3)  

Law in Marketing will help the student develop an appreciation and an understanding of the legal and ethical challenges present in marketing decisions. The course takes an in-depth look at the relationship between intellectual property, product development, and marketing. Explorations of these topics range from how to identify potential intellectual property rights to how protect those rights by using a variety of intellectual property protections such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and trade secrets to give a firm a comparative advantage. Further, the course will examine strategies for addressing competitors that infringe on a firm’s intellectual property rights through techniques such as litigation and licensing. Intellectual property issues are examined from both a U. S. and global perspective.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010 and LGST 3010.

MKTG 4280  Sports Marketing  (3)  

The Sports Marketing course provides students with a practical application of marketing concepts in this unique industry, with an emphasis on strategy development. The course is designed to explore how businesses and organizations market their products and services, including product decisions, distribution, pricing and development of promotional programs. Topics include the marketing environment, segmenting audiences, building a relevant brand, communications strategies and channels, customer relationship management and delivering sports experiences. The course will incorporate a guest speaker series and project work to provide students with professional perspectives within the sports industry.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4290  Service Marketing  (3)  

This course introduces students to the challenges professionals and organizations face in creating, marketing and delivering high-quality services. Class sessions center around lecture presentations and case-based learning on topics such as measuring and managing customer satisfaction, coordinating marketing and operations in designing and implementing service delivery, developing the human and technical skills of employees who deliver services, and utilizing emerging technology. Assignments provide students with a hands-on understanding of concepts and methods practitioners use in today's competitive markets to analyze customer/client requirements; measure service quality; and design, promote and deliver outstanding services in financial, healthcare, educational, high-tech, manufacturing, nonprofit and retail organizations.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3010.

MKTG 4550  Marketing Internship  (1-3)  

Freeman School majors may elect to do a business internship that will appear as a one-credit, 4000-level course on their transcripts; however, the credit does not apply towards the 122 minimum hours required for a BSM degree. The internship must be related to one of the majors offered through the BSM program, and the internship must apply (within an ongoing business organization) the intellectual capital obtained from first- through third-year Freeman School courses. To obtain approval of the internship, the student must visit the Career Management Center for instructions. The final grade for the internship is given on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis when the student submits a paper/evaluation to a supervising faculty member in the Career Management Center. This course is normally offered during the summer and fulfills the “curricular practical training” option for students with F-1 visa status.

MKTG 4890  Service Learning  (0-1)  

Students complete a service activity in the community in conjunction with the content of a three-credit co-requisite course. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MKTG 4891  Service Learning  (0-1)  

Students complete a service activity in the community in conjunction with the content of a three-credit co-requisite course. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

MKTG 4910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Prerequisites: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.333 or higher, senior standing Freeman School seniors who demonstrate academic excellence are allowed to pursue an independent study. The work may take the form of directed readings, laboratory or library research, or original composition. Instead of traditional class attendance, the student substitutes conferences with the supervising faculty, as needed. An independent study requires the approval of the supervising instructor and area head. The credit does not apply towards the marketing major requirements for a BSM degree; it may be used as business elective credit. Interested students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Education at the Freeman School. Prerequisites: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.333 or higher, senior standing Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MKTG 4990  Marketing Honors Thesis  (3)  

Traditional thesis option for marketing area. Students enrolled in this course will begin their thesis in the fall semester. They will conclude their thesis in MKTG 5000 in the spring semester.

MKTG 5000  Marketing Honors Thesis  (4)  

For especially qualified seniors with approval of the faculty director and the Office of Academic Enrichment. Students must have a minimum of a 3.400 overall grade-point average and a 3.500 grade-point average in the major.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 4990.

MKTG 5380  Business Study Abroad - MKTG  (1-20)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MKTG 5390  Business Study Abroad - MKTG  (1-20)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MKTG 5940  Transfer Coursework  (0-20)  

Transfer coursework at the 5000 level. Departmental approval required.

Maximum Hours: 99

MKTG 6000  When Data Lie  (2)  

This course examines the many decisions that go into collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Through a mix of theoretical and practical exercises, students will learn to recognize some of the most common pitfalls that can lead to the misunderstanding and misrepresentation of data analysis. Examples will be drawn from both business and non-business settings to develop a deep understanding of the practical challenges of real-world data analysis as well as of the broader implications of this process for business, policy, and society.

Prerequisite(s): MGSC 6010 and 6030.

MKTG 6010  Marketing Management  (2)  

This course is designed as a graduate-level introduction to the basic principles and concepts in marketing. The goal is to expose you to these concepts as they are used in a wide variety of business settings. The course will provide you with a framework that can help you make effective marketing decisions. This framework includes elements of a market situation analysis (company, customer, competition, collaborators, context), marketing strategy formulation (segmentation, targeting, positioning), and the marketing mix (product, price, placement/distribution, promotion) as the tactical implementation of a marketing strategy. Students will combine quantitative and qualitative analyses in applying the principles you learn in class to a variety of real-world marketing issues. The course covers what societal marketing is and how marketers can contribute more than just product or service value.

MKTG 6020  Marketing  (3)  

This course provides students with frameworks for making effective marketing decisions. Students will learn to conduct market situation analyses (company, customer, competition, collaborators, context), design marketing strategy formulations (segmentation, targeting, positioning), and implement marketing mix plans (product, price, placement/distribution, promotion). The course combines quantitative and qualitative analyses in applying the principles learned to a variety of real world marketing issues.

MKTG 7140  New Product Development  (3)  

This course teaches students the fundamentals of new product development. Students learn to identify unmet consumer needs, develop rich consumer insights, ideate meaningful consumer solutions, build and test product concepts and create and commercialize new products and services. The class is a mixture of lectures, activities and projects that give students the opportunity to work directly with brands to solve real consumer unmet needs. Students will also take a novel new product or service idea through the entire new product development process, ending with presenting their ideas to local professionals. The course will also provide an understanding of how new product design can improve environmental implications in a given product segment, how to boost customer satisfaction and improved health and wellness outcomes through innovation and how to increase equity through access to new customer solutions.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 6010 or 6020.

MKTG 7250  Social Media and Online Marketing  (3)  

In this course, students will learn how to design and implement an effective online and social media marketing campaign. Using a mix of theoretical frameworks, case studies, and practical exercises, students will learn how to strategically leverage online and social media platforms to achieve marketing goals. This course will cover various topics, including search engine optimization, social media listening, organic marketing, user-generated content, and online analytics. This course will also touch upon the unique ethical and societal considerations that arise from these online platforms.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 6010, 6020 or MGSC 7330.

MKTG 7280  Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions  (3)  

This course provides students with statistical and computational skills that are critical for business research and analytics, using real world data from marketing applications. Through lectures, hands-on exercises, and cases, the course equips students with data analysis tools so they can take advantage of firm and consumer data by extracting meaningful information from them for decision making. The course covers statistical skills including regression, cluster analysis, and choice models, as well as computational skills using statistical programming software. Specific applications include topics such as pricing, conjoint analysis, market segmentation, targeting, experiments, and mobile marketing.

Prerequisite(s): (MGSC 6020 and MKTG 6020) or (MGSC 6010 and MKTG 6010).

MKTG 7290  Strategic Brand Management  (3)  

This course teaches students how to create a strategic marketing plan. Students will learn to develop a thorough understanding of customers, analyze markets, develop brands, position new products and services, and create integrated marketing plans with metrics to monitor performance. The course will combine quantitative and qualitative analyses to support marketing decisions. Students will work on projects and make tactical decisions about designing and implementing an effective marketing strategy. The course provides the opportunity to apply marketing knowledge and strategy in a tangible and meaningful way by participating with a corporate partner. In addition, it exposes students to processes that facilitate the building of strategic marketing plans.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 6010 or 6020.

MKTG 7980  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Independent study: Marketing