University Catalog 2024-2025

Medieval & Early Modern Studies (MEMS)

MEMS 1290  Semester Aboard  (1-20)  

Semester Abroad. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 1890  Service Learning  (0-1)  

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 1940  Transfer Coursework  (0-20)  

Transfer Coursework at the 1000 level. Department approval may be required.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 1999  Medieval and Early Modern Events Management  (1-3)  

This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of supporting, promoting, and managing arts and humanities events in general and specifically those focused on the medieval (500-1400) and early modern (1400-1800) periods. Course emphasizes event planning, multimedia communications (creating, editing, producing, and distributing), community outreach, and coordination. Planning events related to the medieval and early modern periods can also involve archival research, image reproduction, preservation, and curatorship. In addition to gaining practical experience in outreach and events management, the course also has a classroom component that will introduce students to contemporary theories of events planning and management, with particular attention on community relationships and inclusivity. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.

Course Limit: 2

MEMS 2000  Intro to Medieval Studies  (3)  

An introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of medieval studies focusing on the relationships between history, language, and the production of literary texts.

MEMS 2200  Topics in the Early Modern Period  (1-3)  

Topics in the Early Modern Period focuses on specific topics in Early Modernity (1400-1800), inclusive of art, literature, history, philosophy, science, music, language, and religion. Topics, format, and requirements will vary. Course may be repeated 4 times for credit.

Course Limit: 4

MEMS 2201  Topics in the Early Modern Period  (1-3)  

Topics in the Early Modern Period focuses on specific topics in Early Modernity (1400-1800), inclusive of art, literature, history, philosophy, science, music, language, and religion. Topics, format, and requirements will vary. Course may be repeated 4 times for credit.

Course Limit: 4

MEMS 2202  Topics in the Early Modern Period  (1-3)  

Topics in the Early Modern Period focuses on specific topics in Early Modernity (1400-1800), inclusive of art, literature, history, philosophy, science, music, language, and religion. Topics, format, and requirements will vary. Course may be repeated 4 times for credit.

Course Limit: 4

MEMS 2390  Semester Abroad  (1-20)  

Semester Abroad. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 2940  Transfer Coursework  (0-20)  

Transfer Coursework at the 2000 level. Department approval may be required.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 3600  Writing the Past  (4)  

Writing the Past is a writing intensive course that focuses on critical, analytical, instructive, and creative writing about the world before 1800. Specific topics will vary, but the course will ask students to critically examine writings about the past (which may include but are not limited to old manuscripts or printed books, modern scholarship or journalism about the past, creative adaptations of the past, exhibitions or events focusing on the past) and learn to write about the past with a critical eye. This is not a history class or a class in archival research. Writing about the past can and very often does mean learning to look critically at how the past is represented in our world and to think critically about how we ourselves represent it. This class fulfills the second tier writing requirement and will require each student to write 5000 words (about 20 pages) of academic prose and to revise their writing after peer and instructor feedback. Course may be repeated two times for credit.

Course Limit: 2

MEMS 4000  Topics in Medieval Studies  (3)  

Each course will treat a particular area of medieval and early modern studies, within an interdisciplinary framework. Course may be repeated up to 2 times for credit.

Course Limit: 2

MEMS 4910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Independent Study

Course Limit: 99

MEMS 4990  Honors Thesis  (3)  

Honors Thesis.

MEMS 5000  Honors Thesis  (4)  

For especially qualified seniors with approval of the faculty director and the Office of Academic Enrichment. Students must have a minimum of a 3.400 overall grade-point average and a 3.500 grade-point average in the major.

Prerequisite(s): MEMS 4990.

MEMS 5190  Semester Abroad  (1-20)  

Semester Abroad. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 5370  Washington Semester  (1-20)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 5380  Junior Year Abroad  (1-20)  

Junior Year Abroad. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 5390  Junior Year Abroad  (1-20)  

Junior Year Abroad. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

MEMS 5940  Transfer Coursework  (0-20)  

Transfer coursework at the 5000 level. Departmental approval required.

Maximum Hours: 99