University Catalog 2024-2025

Digital Design (DDSN)

DDSN 1100  Digital Design Foundations  (3)  

This studio course involves inquiry into the nature of the graphic design and interactive fields. Topics introduced in this course are color theory for print and the screen, file types, design terminology, project workflow, aesthetics, visual concepts, typography and Adobe software fundamentals. The course also introduces students to oral and written communication for design practices, presentation techniques and the client-designer relationship. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

DDSN 1101  Digital Imaging  (3)  

This studio course explores raster image-making in the digital platform while creating historical and practical connections between technology and creative problem solving. Topics introduced in this course are the Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom interfaces, photo manipulation, historical perspectives in digital imaging, digital painting, digital darkroom techniques and preparation of digital images for various media. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used. Prerequisites: DDSN 1100.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100.

DDSN 1102  Digital Illustration  (3)  

This studio course explores illustration in the digital platform while creating historical and practical connections between technology and creative problem solving. Topics introduced in this course are the Adobe Illustrator interface, illustration tools and techniques, color, photo-realism, historical perspectives in digital illustration and challenges within the digital interface. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100.

DDSN 1103  Foundations of Art  (3)  

This studio course examines the fundamental practices of art making. Students will analyze the Principles of Art, Elements of Design, and Color Theory. Students will explore varied drawing styles, techniques, and instruments. This course will introduce students to critique etiquette and the vocabulary of fine art.

DDSN 1400  Typography Studio I  (3)  

This studio course examines typography from historical and practical perspectives while creating connections between type as a communication tool and type as visual expression. Topics introduced in this course are the history of type, type anatomy, classifications, terminology, type setting for the screen versus print, rules of typography, hierarchy and formalism. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1102.

DDSN 1401  History of Graphic Design  (3)  

This studio course examines the history of graphic design from 15,000 B.C. through the invention of writing to present day composition and strictly follows Meggs’ History of Graphic Design. Students will explore various movements in graphic design history and create design works that reflect these periods. Parallels between fine art history will be drawn. Students are expected to produce written projects in this course displaying content knowledge.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1101 and 1102.

DDSN 1940  Transfer Coursework - 1000 Lvl  (0-20)  

Transfer coursework: Digital Design

Maximum Hours: 99

DDSN 2000  Branding & Semiotics  (3)  

This studio course examines semiotics and identity (logo) design from historical and practical perspectives. Topics introduced in this course are the study of signs and symbols and the fundamentals of branding with a specific focus on identity (logo) design. Various types of logos will be analyzed and identified and the elements that make them iconic and memorable will be studied. With this knowledge, students will use the entire design process to create logos, symbols and app icons. Additionally, students will engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1101, 1102 and 1400.

DDSN 2100  Intro to UX Design  (3)  

This studio course explores the field of user-experience design, empathy, user-engagement and best practices. Students will explore and evaluate case studies, create concept-driven strategies to meet the needs to of mock-clients and produce wireframes and prototypes.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1101 and 1102.

DDSN 2101  Foundations of Interactive Design  (3)  

This studio course investigates the practice of interactive design from both front and back-end perspectives. User-experience and user-interface design techniques are employed to develop online interactive content. Topics introduced in this course are image and type for the web, HTML basics, development, testing and updating of effective interfaces, visual, navigational and structural approaches to CSS, visual hierarchy, basic animation for online content, image and file preparation and historical perspectives in interactive design. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400.

DDSN 2102  Digital Photography  (3)  

This studio course will explore the history of digital photography in the context of digital design and put into practice photographic compositions and image editing. The digital camera will be used to create compelling visual compositions based on a concept, explore product photography, green screen photography and lighting scenarios. Practice and experimentation with digital image manipulation and compositional techniques is also included in this course.

DDSN 2103  Intro to Copywriting  (3)  

This online course introduces students to the fundamentals of advertising copywriting. Lectures, readings, and online resources explore how to begin an assignment, find a brand voice, connect with and influence an audience, and develop concise, meaningful copy for traditional and digital media. Students will work alone and in pairs to research, concept, and write ads and campaigns for mock clients and service-learning projects. They will also analyze and critique their own and others' writing through written assignments and in-class discussion. Class meets synchronously once each week.

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010.

DDSN 2222  Lower-Level Assessment  (3)  

This course provides students the opportunity to master skills within lower- level coursework as determined by faculty advisors. Students may take this course with permission by the program directors.

DDSN 2400  Digital Page Layout  (3)  

This studio course utilizes multi-page layout software to explore long-format design challenges. Topics introduced in this course include advanced InDesign software techniques, design for publication, and file preparation for long-format printing. Students will create concept-driven works for mock clients. Printing and production techniques for long-format design will be employed.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400.

DDSN 2401  Design Studio I  (3)  

This studio course explores development of printed branding materials within the Adobe interface. Students will create concept-driven projects exploring execution via various media to communicate an event, promotion or series. Students will work with mock clients to create professional written and verbal presentations for portfolio-ready printed works.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 2100 and 2400.

DDSN 2502  Digital Art Studio III Modular  (3)  

This studio course explores to use of modular components to allow for efficient reuse in the game design environment. Students will understand how to create these assets with a focus on modularity. Prerequisites: DDSN 1100, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1504 and 1505.

DDSN 2600  Interactive Design Studio I  (3)  

This studio course explores design for mobile, display, aesthetics, UX, UI and interactive solutions. Students are introduced to the latest authoring and animation tools and learn how to apply their knowledge of the software to create dynamic and responsive interactive experiences. Students will communicate ideas via written and verbal presentation.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1401, 1400 and 2101.

DDSN 2601  Digital Narrative Studio I  (3)  

This studio course uses story-telling techniques to communicate to an audience from a variety of platforms. Students will engage in techniques for video editing and visual storytelling through lecture and class projects. Digital editing software is introduced as well as production materials. Students will create short narrative stories to solve a problem, entertain diverse audiences, and market ideas. They will explore various formats, including film, TV, and social media, as well as how each channel has evolved and presents unique opportunities for messaging.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1401 and 1400.

DDSN 2602  Motion Design Studio 1  (3)  

This course introduces the history and theory of motion graphics and animation. Students will adapt their graphic design acumen for use in timeline-based software to create industry-standard assets for video production, web, and social media using the essential functions and properties of Adobe After Effects. Students will develop a professional process for communicating and iterating motion ideas from concept to delivery including storyboarding, style frames, and animatics as well as rendering, compressing, and exporting files for handoff with stakeholders.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400 and 2000.

DDSN 2603  Interactive Technologies  (3)  

This special topics course introduces students to basic web language standards and vocabulary, beginner level development procedures and protocols, and interactive technologies used in marketing, design, PR, and online markets. Students will learn how to apply their knowledge to solve interconnectivity issues, articulate development goals with computer science professionals, and complete basic level development edits in online environments. Students will communicate ideas via written and verbal presentations.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1401 and 2101.

DDSN 2940  Transfer Courswork - 2000 Lvl.  (0-20)  

Transfer coursework: Digital Design

Maximum Hours: 99

DDSN 3100  Sound Design  (3)  

This studio course introduces sound design principles, historical perspectives and case studies. Students are expected to story board and compose sound for characters, video, motion graphics or interactive elements. Students will create professional written and verbal presentations.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1101 and 1102.

DDSN 3333  Upper-Level Assessment  (3)  

This course provides students the opportunity to master skills within upper-level coursework as determined by faculty advisors. Students may take this course with permission by the program directors.

DDSN 3400  Design Studio II  (3)  

This studio course explores development of three-dimensional packaging to communicate a brand or persona paired with two-dimensional supporting materials. Students will work alone and in groups to create original works for mock clients and service-learning experiences. Students will create professional written and verbal presentations for portfolio-ready printed works.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 2401.

DDSN 3401  Letterpress Studio  (3)  

This studio course explores traditional letterpress techniques within a design context. Students will use their original typographic compositions and translate them to the physical letterpress printing method. Students will critique and analyze design solutions via written assignments and verbal class discussions.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100 and 1400.

DDSN 3402  Poster Design  (3)  

This studio course explores using the poster as a means for visual communication within various projects. Students will work alone and in groups to find concept-driven solutions to design problems translated into the poster medium. Students will critique and analyze design solutions via written assignments and verbal class discussions.

Prerequisite(s): (DDSN 1100, 1101 and 1400).

DDSN 3403  M. A. D. Studio  (3)  

Marketing and advertising for designers explores the role designers play in the marketing and advertising industries. Students use marketing and advertising to better communicate a brand or persona within various media. Students will work within service-learning projects to articulate a call to action via multiple media platforms both alone and in groups. Students will critique and analyze design solutions via written assignments and verbal class discussions and presentations.

DDSN 3404  Copywriting Studio  (3)  

This online studio course advances students' understanding of the discipline of copywriting. Lectures, readings, and case studies explore the many ways language functions in advertising — to educate, sell, influence, entertain, shock, and shape culture. Students will work alone and in pairs to research, concept, and write ads and campaigns for mock clients and service-learning projects. This could include writing for projects in concurrent design courses or refining and extending existing portfolio pieces. Students will also analyze and critique their own and others' writing through written assignments and in-class discussion. Class meets synchronously once each week.

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 and DDSN 2103.

DDSN 3505  Typography 2  (3)  

This studio course closely examines lettering, typography and the structure and nuances of the Roman alphabet. Attention will be given to form, history and concept in type. Topics discussed are customizing typefaces, creating glyphs and alphabets, custom display lettering, the relationship between type and image, and working with large amounts of text and multiple pages. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, videos, exercises, projects and writing assignments are used.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400 and 2400.

DDSN 3600  Social Media Studio  (3)  

This studio course examines the use of social media within the design field. Students will create graphics for various new media and social media landscapes and develop strategy for implementation. Students will recognize and evaluate social media platforms based on user interaction and outcomes, design strategic graphics for social media campaigns, develop ongoing social media and digital strategy for service-learning client and communicate project via professional written and verbal presentation.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100 and 1102.

DDSN 3602  Interactive Design Studio II  (3)  

This studio courses uses advanced UX, UI, interactive design techniques and software to communicate a concept to an audience. Students will understand advanced interactive design techniques and apply techniques to class assignments. Students will create content-rich design solutions showcased within an interactive context using working prototypes in mobile-first design.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400.

DDSN 3603  Digital Narrative Studio II  (3)  

This studio course explores video production within a team environment to create concept-driven, strategic solutions for a real-world client. Students will work in teams to create storytelling experiences via video and motion. Students will understand and analyze advanced principles of the digital narrative, study different approaches to genre and style, develop multimodal approach to digital problem solving, create concept-driven solutions to class assignments, work in groups to develop strategy for service-learning client, communicate project via professional written and verbal presentation. They will explore platforms and brand messaging, along with creative means of achieving goals in these channels.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1400 and 2601.

DDSN 3604  Motion Design Studio II  (3)  

This studio course builds on foundations of motion and uses advanced motion techniques to create animation narratives that synthesize motion graphics with video elements and user interfaces. The vast suite of Adobe After Effects will allow designers to explore complex features to aid storytelling and creative problem solving. Students will create concept-driven motion projects with motion tracking, 3D layers, and cameras with an emphasis on detailed gestures, micro animations, and design patterns as well as best practices for interactive compatibility to incorporate motion design into mobile and web interfaces to aid user experience.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 2000, 1400, 2602, 3601, 3602 and 3603.

DDSN 3605  Illustration Studio  (3)  

This studio course explores digital illustration in the Procreate platform with some cross-over in Adobe Illustrator while creating historical and practical connections between technology and creative problem solving. Topics introduced in this course are the Procreate and Adobe Illustrator interfaces, illustration tools and techniques, color, good illustration practices and processes, and challenges within the digital interface. Additionally, students engage in written and verbal communication for ideation and presentation. Lectures, readings, class demonstrations, group exercises and writing assignments are used.

DDSN 3890  Service Learning  (0-1)  

Corequisite(s): DDSN 3400.

Maximum Hours: 99

DDSN 4100  Portfolio & Prof Practices  (3)  

This studio course prepares students for entry into the workforce. Students will create a personal brand and translate that brand into their portfolio, stationery package and other media for marketing purposes. Students will undergo rigorous self-reflection, mock interviews, presentation techniques and portfolio reworking. Students can expect to create written and verbal communication regarding their brand, personal attributes and portfolio works.

DDSN 4400  Business of Design  (3)  

This studio course provides students with real-world applications of business practices within the graphic design industry, contracts, the law, business planning, strategy and marketing. Students will assemble a strategic approach to estimating and planning, project workflow in a design business environment and create original work for service-learning client.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100 and 1102.

DDSN 4401  Design for Good  (3)  

This studio course explores the greater purpose of design as an agent of change. Students will create multiple projects supporting a cause with a specific call to action. 2D, 3D and interactive elements will be employed to create meaningful works based on a concept. Students will work for personal and service-learning clients and communicate projects via professional written and verbal presentation.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 2000 and 1401.

DDSN 4402  Packaging Design  (3)  

This studio course uses good design techniques paired with visual marketing and advertising strategies to apply design to three-dimensional packaging objects. Students will work alone and in groups to create concept-driven solutions to appeal to an audience via packaging media. Students will communicate projects via professional written and verbal presentation.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401 and 2000.

DDSN 4403  Corporate Identity  (3)  

This studio course greater explores the field of corporate identity and branding within a design context. Students will work alone and in groups to create concept-driven works for mock clients and service-learning projects. Students will explore logo design, branding, brand standards, brand strategy and brand application as part of this course. Students will communicate projects via professional written and verbal presentation.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401 and 2000.

DDSN 4404  Environmental Design  (3)  

This studio course greater explores the field of environmental design within a design context. Students will work alone and in groups to create concept-driven works for mock clients and service-learning projects. Students will explore large-scale graphics for a variety of out-of-home media including billboards, transportation design, way finding and accessibility design. Students will communicate projects via professional written and verbal presentation. Prerequisites: DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401, 2100, 2400, 2401, 3400, 3403, 3600, 4400.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401 and 2000.

DDSN 4405  Design Studio III  (3)  

This studio course explores development of multi-media works surrounding project themes. Students will use print (2D), packaging (3D) and interactive media to communicate a project solution. Students will work alone and in groups to create original works for mock clients and service-learning experiences. Students will create professional written and verbal presentations for portfolio-ready printed works.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401, 2401, 3400, 2400 and 2000.

DDSN 4406  Designer as Author  (3)  

This accelerated studio course explores development of a project where the student is the author of the concept, product, persona, client, research, execution and implementation from start to finish. This course is reserved for students with a 3.5 or higher GPA who can demonstrate exceptional design skills in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and interactive design techniques. Students interested in taking this course should apply the semester prior via portfolio and written proposal for the course topic.

DDSN 4600  Multi-Media Studio  (3)  

This studio course encourages the use of multiple media to communicate to an audience. Students will use narrative, social media, motion, website design and other interactive applications per their strategy to create a multimodal user-experience. Students will present ideas both in written and verbal form.

Prerequisite(s): DDSN 1100, 1101, 1102, 1400, 1401, 2101, 2600, 2000 and 3602.

DDSN 4601  Digital Design Co-op  (1)  

This 1 credit seminar course acts as a mock agency and allows students to create projects for local businesses in the New Orleans community. The professor will act as the account executive to manage work-flow while students mimic the team roles within a creative agency setting. Students may be expected to create 2D works, 3D works, interactive elements, illustrative elements, and branding packages. Students will gain experience working one-on-one with a real client as well as with printing and production houses. The course is by application only and students are selected by the Program Director. Departmental Approval Required.

DDSN 4900  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design.

Maximum Hours: 99

DDSN 4901  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design.

DDSN 4902  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours

Course Limit: 99

DDSN 4903  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours

Course Limit: 99

DDSN 4904  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Course Limit: 99

DDSN 4905  Special Topics  (3)  

Special Topics in Digital Design. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Course Limit: 99

DDSN 4910  Independent Study  (1-3)  

This course explores special topics with the Digital Design field. The student will work one-on-one with the faculty member to create portfolio ready works in a concept-driven environment. The independent study may be taken twice for credit if the topics vary.

Maximum Hours: 99

DDSN 5050  Digital Design Practicum  (3)  

This course assists in the student’s internship experience by providing weekly direction and feedback. The student is responsible for securing an internship during the practicum course period and completing at least 100 total hours during the semester. In addition to the contact hours, each student must maintain a PDF portfolio of works created during the semester for review during the final exam period. Both the student and employer will be given entrance and exit surveys regarding their experiences.