University Catalog 2024-2025

Career Development (CRDV)

CRDV 1060  Exploring Majors and Careers  (1)  

Students will engage in self-assessment and exploration surrounding their major and career goals to concretely identify avenues to achieve career-related goals such as major declaration, securing internships, and exploring different career paths. The course may only be taken once for credit.

CRDV 1070  Preparing for Jobs, Internships, and Graduate School  (1)  

Students will learn the importance of developing their personal brand, establishing a professional network, and applying current career knowledge to achieve career-related goals such as applying for graduate school, securing a job after graduation, and preparing for a successful post-graduation transition.

CRDV 1090  Majors, Internships & Jobs  (1)  

Using four phases of career development, students will explore the importance of developing a professional identity and concretely identify avenues to achieve career related goals such as major declaration, securing internships, and preparing for a successful transition from college post-graduation. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.

Course Limit: 2