University Catalog 2024-2025

Biomedical Sciences (BMSP)

BMSP 6050  Advanced Cell Biology - MS  (3)  

This course introduces all major aspects of cellular structure and function. It specifically covers cytoplasmic membranes, protein trafficking, cellular signaling and cell proliferating mechanisms.

BMSP 6070  Advanced Cell Biology  (3)  

BMSP 7100  Biomed Sciences Workshop  (1)  

Course Limit: 2

BMSP 7110  Workshop  (1)  

Course Limit: 2

BMSP 7120  Research Topics and Rotations  (4)  

This course allows for research faculty mentors to present potential dissertation projects available for BMS PhD students to undertake upon choosing a dissertation lab. Research rotations will also be completed in this course.

BMSP 7130  Research Topics and Rotations  (4)  

This course allows for research faculty mentors to present potential dissertation projects available for BMS PhD students to undertake upon choosing a dissertation lab. Research rotations will also be completed in this course.

BMSP 7140  Biomedical Sci Seminar  (1)  

Course Limit: 2

BMSP 7150  Seminar  (1)  

Course Limit: 2

BMSP 7160  Research Topics and Rotations  (2)  

This course allows for BMS PhD students to complete a summer research rotation with BMS faculty to assist with choosing a dissertation advisor.

BMSP 7500  Special Topics  (1-6)  

Course Limit: 4

BMSP 7770  Physiological Basis of Disease  (3)  

BMSP 7770 is for first year PhD students in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. This course will provide PhD students with a basic knowledge of physiology organ systems (neuroscience, kidney, GI, cardiovascular, reproduction, endocrinology, respiration), highlighting the pathophysiology of disease mechanisms, and integrates pharmacology and sex differences into the curriculum. The course is team-taught, and faculty emphasize their particular research field. Student performance will be assessed with four examinations. All lectures have learning objectives, and exams will cover the material outlined in the learning objectives and covered in class. No textbook is required but some may be recommended.

BMSP 7990  Independent Study  (1-6)  

Course Limit: 4

BMSP 9980  Masters Research  (0)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99

BMSP 9990  Dissertation Research  (0)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Maximum Hours: 99