University Catalog 2024-2025

Anatomy - Graduate (ANAT)

ANAT 6010  Histology  (5)  

ANAT 6090  Gross Anatomy/Embryology  (11)  

Enrollment limited to students in the Anatomy department.

ANAT 7055  Graduate Histology I  (3)  

To acquire knowledge and develop skills in microscopic anatomy and its application and relevance to human physiology, biochemical function and disease.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7056  Graduate Histology 2  (2)  

To acquire knowledge and develop skills in microscopic anatomy and its application and relevance to human physiology, biochemical function and disease.

Prerequisite(s): ANAT 7055.

ANAT 7065  Graduate Anatomy I  (7)  

Provide students with a fundamental working knowledge of normal human gross, developmental, and radiological anatomy. Understanding of the structure of the human body forms the foundation of basic medical science.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7066  Graduate Anatomy 2  (4)  

Provide students with a fundamental working knowledge of normal human gross, developmental, and radiological anatomy. Understanding of the structure of the human body forms the foundation of basic medical science.

Prerequisite(s): ANAT 7065.

ANAT 7090  Select Topics In Anatomy  (0-4)  

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7120  Anatomy Research Sem I  (1)  

To learn and understand recent advances in biomedical sciences; To develop critical thinking, literature search, and presentation skills.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7130  Anatomy Research Sem II  (2)  

To learn and understand recent advances in biomedical sciences, To develop the skills required for evaluating research presentations and learn how to present professional work

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7240  Advances in Anatomical Sciences I  (1)  

Students present one original research paper on a current topic in anatomical science research (cell, animal model, human).

ANAT 7250  Advances in Anatomical Sci II  (1)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating research, its application and relevance to human structure, physiology and disease. To understand how to develop new ideas for solving old and new clinical science questions

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7350  Anatomical Techniques  (3)  

To develop an understanding of the knowledge and skills involved in anatomical research and tissue preparation, as well as its application and relevance to human structure, physiology and disease

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7360  Leadership in Healthcare  (3)  

To confront the challenges facing modern health care , experts and organizations are calling for an increase in leadership· capabilitles. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) calls for a "focus on organizational leadership in a new era of health care.' The mission statement or the Tulane University School of Medicine states " deliver the highest quality patient care and prepare the next generation of distinguished clinical and scientific leaders. To meet this need, this course, Leadership In Health Care, will engage with leadership topics to intentionally train students in the qualities consistently demonstrated by leaders when performing at their personal best with a focus on topics particularly crucial to healthcare.

ANAT 7410  Grad Intro Functional Anatomy  (1)  

This course provides an introduction to the physical principles of normal function and physiology in cells and tissues.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7420  Graduate Systems Functional Anatomy  (1)  

This course provides an analysis of the physical principles of normal function and physiology in organ system.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7510  Teaching Micro Anatomy 1  (1)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating and applying teaching skills in microscopic anatomy

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7520  Teaching Microscopic Anat 2  (2)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating and applying teaching skills in microscopic anatomy

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7560  Signal Transduction/Hormone Ac  (2)  

This course provides in-depth knowledge of cell signaling.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7575  Graduate Neuroscience  (6)  

To acquire knowledge and develop skills in dissection-oriented neuroanatomy and neuroscience, and its application and relevance to human physiology and clinical disease.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7600  Anatomy Research  (1-9)  

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7610  Teaching Techniques in Hlth Sc  (2)  

To develop the skills required for non-interactive educational formats in health sciences education and the application of these skills in medical and health sciences education

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7620  Interactive Teaching Technique  (2)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating and applying interactive teaching formats in health sciences education and the application of these skills to medical and health sciences education

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7630  Clinical Grand Rounds Surgery  (1)  

To learn and understand current advances in clinical management of patients in surgery; To develop the skills required for evaluating patient and case presentations

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7640  Clinical Grand Rounds Medicine  (1)  

To learn and understand current advances in clinical management of patients in surgery; To develop the skills required for evaluating patient and case presentations

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7750  Teaching Gross & Deve Anatomy  (3)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating and applying teaching skills in dissection-based gross and developmental anatomy.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7760  Teaching Neuroanatomy  (1)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating and applying teaching skills in dissection-based gross and developmental neuroanatomy.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7790  Adv Surgery based Anat Dissect  (5)  

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7810  Research Design & Methods 1  (3)  

Students will attend a series of lectures and practical sessions on the principles of centrifugation, tissue preparation for protein extractions, western blotting, RNA isolation and real time PCR, plating and cell culture techniques, and gel doc recording.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7820  Research Design & Methods 2  (3)  

Students will attend a series of lectures and practical sessions on the principles of tissue processing for microtomy, tissue microtomy for light microscopy, paraffin types and paraffin embedding of tissue, and histochemistry of tissue staining.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 7830  Research Project Presentation  (5)  

To develop the skills required for evaluating research, its application and relevance to human structure, physiology and disease.

ANAT 7840  Research Thesis  (6)  

The student will present research as a written record and present, discuss and defend the research before a thesis committee.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

ANAT 9980  Master's Research  (0)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

Maximum Hours: 99

ANAT 9990  Dissertation Research  (0)  

Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.

Enrollment limited to students in the Structural Cell Biology (MD) department.

Maximum Hours: 99