University Catalog 2024-2025

Digital Media Practices Coordinate Major

Tulane’s Digital Media Practices Program offers a coordinate major focused on the art and practice of digital storytelling. Courses in the program offer hands-on experience in Narrative and Documentary Filmmaking, Interactive Media, Game Studies, Emergent Journalism, Podcasting, and Digital Sound. After completing introductory coursework, students choose an area of specialization leading to a 2-semester Capstone Project. Many students choose to write, produce, and direct their own short films. However, our program also encourages our students to think creatively about their capstone projects, whether these projects are documentary short films, full-length screenplays, multi-episode podcasts, radio dramas, interactive media exhibitions, experimental video games, web-based projects, or a combination of all these elements.  The Digital Media Practices Program gives students the opportunity to work closely with experienced and supportive faculty interested in allowing students’ passion and vision to help to define their goals.

The Coordinate Major in Digital Media Practices first requires students to declare a major in another discipline before declaring the DMPC coordinate major. The program is an interdisciplinary, 10-course program that can include classes from Digital Media Practices, Cinema Studies and Communication, Music, Theatre and Dance, Art, or English.