University Catalog 2024-2025

Classical Studies, MA

Classical Studies focuses on understanding the world of the ancient Mediterranean—including Greece, Rome, and surrounding cultures—by studying its languages, history, art, and archaeology. Our program focuses on developing skills in critical thinking, reading, and writing, and our students find that exploring the past invites new perspectives on the modern world while opening doors to the future.

Tulane's M.A. program in Classical Studies prepares students for further academic work in Ph.D. programs, for teaching in secondary schools, and for other types of careers. We emphasize building our graduate students' skills in Latin and Greek, while encouraging them to explore the ancient world through archaeology and ancient history. Our small, selective, and highly personalized program makes Tulane an excellent choice for those who are ready to engage deeply with the ancient Mediterranean in all its complexity.

For more information about the Department of Classical Studies please visit our website.