The Master's Degree in Disaster Resilience Leadership Studies program is dedicated to the systematic strengthening of global humanitarian leadership, a process that integrates education, research, and application - to achieve increased resilience in communities and individuals impacted by natural and man-made disasters.
The program aims to advance the field of disaster resilience leadership by training and nurturing current and future leaders while promoting research and stimulating global innovation in the disaster resilience and humanitarian assistance community.
The Master of Science degree from DRLA (Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy) is a 36 credit program - a combination of the DRLA core competency classes and electives. Please refer to the Requirements tab for additional details.
Master of Science (MS)
Course List Course ID | Title | Credits |
| 21 |
| 6 |
can be from other select graduate level programs at Tulane | 9 |
Total Credit Hours | 36 |
Dual-Degree (MSW-MS)
As a dual-degree student, no more than 12 credit hours can be shared/counted toward both degrees. Students will work closely with their Academic Advisor to track this. Please note, for the dual degree students, SOWK 7421 Research for Program Evaluation and Evidence Based Social Work (3 c.h.) counts for DRLS 6110 Rsh and Eval Crisis - Disaster (3 c.h.) and SOWK 7431 Data Analysis and Interpretation for Program Evaluation Research (3 c.h.) counts for DRLS 6032 Quantitative Analysis in D. R. (3 c.h.). These two classes count automatically toward both degrees.
Course List Course ID | Title | Credits |
| 15 |
| 9 |
| 12 |
Total Credit Hours | 36 |
DRL Certificate
Please see the list of DRLS Core Competency classes listed below. For the DRL Certificate, DRLS 6110 Rsh and Eval Crisis - Disaster (3 c.h.) and DRLS 6032 Quantitative Analysis in D. R. (3 c.h.) are not needed.
Course List Course ID | Title | Credits |
| 15 |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Courses can be taken in any order and as part-time or full-time
DRLA Core Competency Courses:
DRLS 6010, 6020, 6030, 6040 and 6050 are required for the MS, the DRL Certificate and the MSW/MS Dual Degree. There is no flexibility or substitutes for these Core courses.
DRLA Electives (sample) - varies each semester