University Catalog 2024-2025

French/Francophone Studies, PhD

From Old French to Louisiana Creole, from codex to hypertext, graduate study at Tulane fosters a comprehensive and integrative approach to French and Francophone Studies. With an international faculty covering a broad range of research and teaching interests, our program allows students to choose from a rich array of courses and encourages them to approach the study of language, literature and civilization through transhistorical and cross-cultural perspectives. This kind of comparative engagement provides students with intellectual depth and interdisciplinary dynamism.

Students at Tulane have unique opportunities for exploring the French, Creole, and Cajun cultures of Louisiana. Our location affords us a privileged vantage point from which to observe other situations of localized or marginalized languages and cultures in their relationship to broader, often hegemonic forces: France’s regional languages (Occitan, Breton, Alsatian, etc.) in conflict with the official language revered as an inviolable symbol of national unity; immigrant cultural practices (such as the wearing of the veil) in conflict with French cultural norms; creole languages stigmatized as corrupt forms of the standard, etc. In our various fields of research, a focus on the local provides both a revealing lens through which to view the global and a healthy check on universalizing theories of culture and language.

The program’s areas of strength include Francophone, Afro-Caribbean, and Mediterranean studies, medieval and early modern studies, cultural studies and cultural history, critical theory, political theory, gender studies, film theory, creole linguistics, European and African philosophy, performance studies and poetics.

Financial support includes full tuition remission and a stipend for up to five years of Ph.D. study (four years for students entering with the M.A. degree). The stipend is approximately $26,000.

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